The Rooms: Interior Space as Mental Space, the Space of the Imagination


A recurring theme among my paintings and prints, the

interiors are complex allegories for a constantly shifting

sense of self. As major changes in family and professional

life occur, I often find the simple form of the room to be the

perfect place to explore and reevaluate the past as well as

dream of the future. This series began by incorporating

collagraphs (collage plates) that my toddler helped make.

His loose brushwork and freely collaged textures become

trees, clouds, tables, and chairs within the room's imaginative


Installation of the Rooms series at Diego Rivera Gallery at SFAI.


Room (Prototype) 2010-2011

Intaglio, collagraph, with additions of collage, acrylic, and pencil on paper.

50" by 36"


Room #1

Collagraph, engraving, chine colle, and collage on paper.

50" by 35"



Room #2

Collagraph, monotype, engraving, chine colle, acrylic, and collage on paper.

46" by 34"



Room #3

Monotype on rice paper, collage, inked collagraph plate, aquatint on rice paper , Thai gong.

Overall dimensions 50" by 48" by 2"



Room #4

Collagraph, engraving, aquatint, colored pencil on paper.

50" by 37"



Room #5

Collagraph, monotype, engraving, aquatint, chine colle on paper.

50" by 37"



Views of the Rooms

Aquatint, spit-bite aquatint with engraving, drypoint, scraper, and burnisher

from four plates.

8" by 13"